Dutchie Darling . . . Love, Bob
A Love Story
© 2021 Patricia Jean Patten Evans
All rights reserved

Bob writes to Jean as the war in Europe ends. He describes what is happening around him. Once the war is over in Europe, the tone of his letters change. He knows that sooner or later he will be coming home. He and Jean begin to exchange letters about what comes next. Although she was college educated and willing to go back to work, he was totally against the idea.

When I was in the 4th grade and my sister in 1st, my mother convinced him that she could be a substitute teacher in the schools. She told him that she really didn't enjoy volunteer women's groups and that working would be like recreation for her. He agreed, but said he never wanted to hear her complain about her work, and she didn't. It wasn't until the 1980's, when many of his friend's wives were having depression issues, based on not feeling needed anymore, once their families had grown, that Bob realized what a good thing it was to have Jean working.
