The Timeline 1942-1946
© 2013 Patricia Jean Patten Hoge
All rights reserved

August 12, 1942--  Jean and Bob meet on a blind date


April 12, 1943—Bob lays out his feelings in a letter to Jean


May 18, 1943—Bob goes to Nova Scotia to see his grandmother and other family


June 2, 1943- Bob works for his father at Pattern Machine and Foundry, while waiting to be inducted into the army


June 14, 1943—Bob is inducted into the Army in Trenton, NJ


July 3, 1943- Bob starts active service in the US Army at Fort Dix, NJ


July 17, 1943- Bob is sent to Fort McClellan, AL for basic training


Nov. 1, 1943- Bob begins the ASTP at City College of New York


Nov. 7, 1943- Bob and Jean get engaged


Feb. 18, 1944- Congress ends the ASTP suddenly and reassigns all the students to active army units


Feb. 26, 1944- Bob and Jean get married in Brookline, MA


March 22, 1944- Bob is sent to Fort Polk, LA, where he joins the 75th Infantry



April 6, 1944—Bob and the 75th Infantry ASTPers go to Fort Breckinridge for training


Around Oct 15, 1944- The 75th Infantry is mobilized to go overseas, first stop for Bob is Camp Shank


Oct. 22, 1944- The 75th Infantry leaves NY , Bob is on the troop ship, Alexander


Nov 2,1944- The 75th Infantry arrives in Swaney, Wales


Nov 3, 1944- Bob has additional training in Haverford West, South Wales


Dec. 10,1944- The 75th Infantry crosses the English Channel to La Havre, France


Six days in trucks and box cars crossing France into Belgium


Dec. 24, 1944- The 75th Infantry joins the 2nd Armored Division to push for Marcie, Belgium


Jan 8, 1945- 75th Infantry in the battle in Spa, Belgium.  Bomb lands close to Bob’s foxhole and knocks him out.


Jan 12, 1945- Bob is admitted to First General Hospital in Paris for pneumonia


Feb. 3, 1945- Bob is transferred to Convalescent Hospital in Etampes, France


March 6, 1945- Bob’s first child, Patricia Jean, is born in Natick MA


March   , 1945- Bob assigned to rear echelon, Oise section, Margival France,  Labor Camp


 May 3, 1945- Bob becomes a Corporal


May 8, 1945- VE Day


May 28, 1945- Bob becomes a Sargent


August 14, 1945- VJ Day


Oct 8-19, 1945- Bob enjoys furlough on the French Riviera


Nov. 8, 1945- Bob earns his Supply Sargent stripe


Jan. 27, 1946- Bob departs for the US


Feb. 7, 1946- Bob arrives back in the US


Feb. 12, 1946- Bob separates from the US ARMY at Fort Devens, MA